The reply you get depends on the question you ask: The Key to Efficient Communication

The reply you get depends on the question you ask: The Key to Efficient Communication

What is Communication?


Communication is defined as transferring information to produce greater understanding. It can be vocally (through verbal exchanges), through written mode (E-mails, Notices, Circulars, Websites etc) visually (using graphs, charts, and maps) or non-verbally (body language, gestures, pitch of voice, and tone). Having strong communication skills aids in all aspects of life. Good communication skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand information more accurately and quickly. We all have to communicate with our peers, subordinates, seniors, clients, which make effective communication skills a must-have.

Types of Communication Skill:

Listening Skills: This skill ranks topmost in the list as the ability to listen, understand and reciprocate to other’s views, is essential in the corporate world. Listening shows that the other person’s opinions are important and you are willing to consider them, while being open to new concepts and ideas.

Verbal Skills: Clear and articulate speakers are usually the most effective as they reflect their uncluttered thoughts and leave no ambiguity in the listeners’ mind. Since attention spans are becoming shorter, it is always good to put one’s thoughts in a clear and concise manner, focusing on the most vital segments of the conversation.

Written Skills: Modern businesses are heavily dependent on email communication and social media. You should be able to focus on the important points without rambling and using unnecessary words or repeating them. It is also important to use an appropriate tone without getting too casual. Good written skills include proper follow-ups and closing of the communication loop, the latter being considered a valuable asset in the world of cluttered electronic mail.

Presentation Skills:  A good presenter uses stories and references to make a presentation impactful and moving. The entire focus is on getting a desired outcome by influencing the audience in a positive manner and is a part of effective communication skills. Eye contact with the audience, a relaxed attitude and a dash of humour are all important ingredients of a memorable presentation.

Jokes viral on social media but actually are examples of effective communication:

  • Sonu and Monu, school going kids want to take permission from their father to go for playing while they have to prepare for their oral exam on poems and maths tables scheduled next day. They both have done the basic preparation for the oral exam. So Sonu goes up to his father and asks, “Dad, may we play outside, while we are preparing for the oral exam? But his father says, “No, my son, you may not. You need to concentrate on your studies first” Sonu goes back to Monu and tells him what their father has told him. Monu says, “I’m not surprised. You asked the wrong question. Let me try” Then Monu goes up to his father and asks, “Dad, we have memorised the poem and maths tables for tomorrow’s oral exam. May we go out for playing and while playing we will also do the revision for oral exam by saying the poems and tables?” To which their father eagerly replies, “By all means, my son. It’s a good idea”


  • A school going girl asked her mother “Can I watch TV while doing my homework”…The smart mother replied….”Yes, sure dear but please don’t switch on the TV”

Moral: The reply you get depends on how you communicate your question.


No great communicator in the business world is born with the skills mentioned above. Learning these skills and practicing them in real life scenarios is the key to mastering them.

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